2023-2024 Tiger Fund Budget
The PFC wants to extend a deep gratitude to everyone that has supported us in 2023-2024: from donations, to event attendance, to volunteerism. We are ALL a part of the Parent Faculty Club, and the goal of improving and enhancing our students' learning environment simply wouldn't happen without your help...
Because of you, the PFC:
Funded PE Specialist, Instructional Assistant, Yard Aide.... $96k
Provided Teacher Classroom Supply/Materials................... $11k
Showed Staff Appreciation................................................... $3k
Funded Media Center/Library Books.................................... $4k
Established Tinker Town....................................................... $5k
Supported the OWL Garden................................................ $5k
Purchased New Classroom iPads.......................................... $4k
Supported School Office Paper Supply................................ $4k
Funded the BMX Assembly.................................................. $3k
Supplemented Field Trip Transportation.............................. $3k
Contributed Curriculum - Secret Stories (K-2)................... $1.6k
Purchased Recess Equipment............................................... $1k
Organized 12 Family Community Events .................... Priceless!